Mushroom Retreats in Oregon

Get matched for a guided mushroom therapy or retreat experience. Facilitated by licensed experts, prioritizing safety and research-based methods.
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The Odyssey experience

matching with the best Guided experience for you
Our matching process helps you easily find the best private or group program for your needs and goals. Odyssey’s licensed facilitators specialize in supporting life transitions, grief, depression, anxiety, trauma, OCD, and more.
Guided sessions in Oregon
Peak experiences at a beautiful, licensed service center with your facilitator providing non-directive, compassionate support. Stay for 3 nights in Oregon to maximize the benefits of the session.
Full program support, inspired by clinical trials
Inspired by protocols used in peak experience mental health research, the end-to-end Odyssey experience includes comprehensive screening, preparation, and integration. Our structured system ensures you feel fully supported through every step of the process.

Start your journey today

Benefits of a guided experience

Come back to life
Some of us have a sense that our spark has diminished. The journey that a peak experience takes you on that often leaves you feeling full of life. Life starts to feel fresh and magical again.
Get past feeling stuck
We may be stuck in an old trauma, the loss of a loved one, or deeply entrenched thought patterns. Talk therapy hasn’t gotten us to where we want to be. A peak experience can help give us the lift we need to feel like we're moving forward again.
Reconnect to self
A peak experience brings out our essence. It reminds us of what the best version of ourself looks and feels like and provides insight into how we can be that person again. We emerge feeling more connected to ourselves; in touch with who we are and what matters most.

Our story

We are a team from Stanford dedicated to the safe exploration of the role of psychedelics can play in promoting human flourishing.

We've volunteered at some of the best psychedelic retreat centers in the world and worked at the best psychedelic companies.

Our Team has helped guide hundred of psychedelic experiences, ranging from 1:1 clinical retreats to group experiences.
The Stanford Medicine logo

The scientific literature shows great promise

95% reported one of the most meaningful experiences of their lives
In 2006, Roland Griffiths and his team at Johns Hopkins published a seminal paper studying the effects of mushroom peak experiences in healthy volunteers. They found substantial and sustained positive effects, and that mushrooms were overwhelmingly safe when administered in a controlled setting. At a 14-month follow-up, 95% of the study participants ranked the experience as among the top five most meaningful experiences of their lives (Griffiths et al. 2008, 2011).
Ross et al. (2016) studied the effects of peak experiences on depression and anxiety in cancer patients, finding that they "produced immediate, substantial, and sustained improvements in anxiety and depression… improved spiritual wellbeing, and increased quality of life.” More than six months later, a majority of participants rated the experience as among the most personally meaningful and spiritually significant of their lives, and 87% reported increased life satisfaction or wellbeing due to the experience.
Large and sustained decreases in depression
In a study of over 100 US adults, Raison et al. (2023) found that a single dose, administered with psychological support, resulted in rapid and sustained reductions in depressive symptoms for people suffering from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). The largest study of its kind to date, this phase 2 trial from the Usona Institute demonstrates the great potential of peak experiences for treating depression.

You're in good hands

Safety & Rigor
Clinical trial informed Level of screening and intake
Science and evidenced-based practices
protocols rooted in scientific literature
Exclusively in Oregon